Monday, January 28, 2013

These considerations were taken from pages 48, 49, 66 & 67 of the Twelve and Twelve
The bold type presents definitions from Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.
PRIDE: An over high opinion of oneself; exaggerated self-esteem; conceit, arrogance, vanity, self-satisfaction.
  • Have I been so proud that I’ve been scorned (disrespected) as a braggart (bragger)?
  • Have I acted prideful, consciously or unconsciously out of fear?
  • Have I used pride to justify my excesses in my sex conduct?
  • Do I like to feel and act superior to others?
GREED: Excessive desire for acquiring or having; desire for more than one needs or deserves.
  • Have I been so greedy that I’ve been or could be labeled a thief?
  • Do I long for the possessions of others out of fear of not getting enough?
  • Do I let greed masquerade as ambition?
LUST: To feel an intense desire, especially sexual desire; to long: after or for.
  • Have I been lustful enough to rape, if not physically what about in my mind?
  • Do I fear I will never have the sex relations I need?
  • Do I have sex excursions that have been dressed up in dreams or delusions of romance?
ANGER: A strong feeling excited by a real or supposed injury; often accompanied by a desire to take vengeance, or to obtain satisfaction from the offending party; resentment; wrath.
  • Have I been angry enough to murder?
  • Do I get angry out of fear when my instinctive demands are threatened?
  • Have I enjoyed self-righteous anger in the fact that many people annoy me and that makes me superior to them?
  • Have I enjoyed gossiping as a polite form of murder by character assassination?
GLUTTONY: One who eats too much. One with a great capacity for something; as, a glutton for work.
  • Have I been gluttonous enough to ruin my health?
  • Do I grab for everything I can, fearing I’ll never have enough?
  • Do I bury myself in my work, hobbies or activities?
ENVY: To resent another for excellence or superiority in any way, and to be desirous of acquiring it.
  • Do I agonized over the chronic (persistent or recurring) pain of envy?
  • Does seeing the ambitions of others materialize make me fear that mine haven’t?
  • Do I suffer from never being satisfied with what I have?
  • Have I spent more time wishing for what others have than working towards them?
SLOTH: Disinclination to action or labor; sluggishness; habitual indolence; laziness, idleness; slowness; delay.
  • Have I been paralyzed by sloth?
  • Do I get alarmed with fear at the prospect of work?
  • Do I work hard with no better motive than to be secure and slothful later on?
  • Do I loaf and procrastinate?
  • Do I work grudgingly and under half steam?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

First published, 2/2004 TCCNE, Hurst, TX
The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
A Review/Critique by: Eldon E. Land
Recovered Alcoholic/Addict
PSYC 2315
            As a man who oftentimes struggles with indecision, I frequently have to ask (God) for help. So why should a self-help book review/critique be any different—it is not. I can only thank the man, who was used as an instrument during class, when he said; something to the effect of: “All these new people come into A. A., get a sponsor, and how many of them stay sober—none.” I was somewhat shocked at first, but not surprised. That statement influenced me to use the “Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous” for my critique, and to shed some light on the subject.
            It was Friday November 30, 2001, and the noon Lunch Bunch Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous was already in progress, when the UPS driver came through the door with four cases of the newly released, and much anticipated, “ Fourth Edition of The Big Book.” I could hardly contain myself as I signed for them. I asked my sponsor Bob F. to do the honors and open the first case. He took out the first one—opened it to page one reminding us that it is blank to signify what we know—nothing—everyone laughed. As the meeting continued, the book circulated around for all to sign with their name and sobriety date. Forty-five people signed it with a combined total of over 200 years of sobriety. That book stays in the front desk for the “chairperson” to use to this day.
            I am but one of a “membership of over two million with at least 100,800 groups meeting in 150 countries around the world.” (See Forward to Fourth Edition). To me the Big Book is second only to the Bible when it comes to self-help books. All-though initially geared for the alcoholic, the book itself and its “Twelve Steps”—and later the “Twelve Traditions” have been the primary sources for virtually every 12 Step Program that followed. It was certainly inspired by the “New Testaments, Psalms, Proverbs, and most notably the book of James.”
            I am not a religious fanatic or a “Big Book Thumper,” even though I have been called that at times. I would have to consider myself a proponent of what works. The shortest sentence in the Big Book is: “It works, it really does.” The main purpose of this book is: “To show other alcoholics precisely how we have recovered.” For that reason the first 164 pages have not changed since its first publication in April 1939. The stories that follow “Chapter 11” some have remained the same, some have changed, others were moved around, as well as 30 completely new stories were added to the Fourth Edition. One of the “screws” (that’s what I like to call it) they threw into this edition is the old “449”, “Acceptance”, it is no longer on 449. I could tell you where it can be found by page, (417); I could also tell you where to find, and even quote “How It Works, The Promises, More about Alcoholism, and A Vision for You”—But then it wouldn’t be a vision for you; would it. Forgive me it is not my intention to sound rude, but rather just to point out what I had to do for my own personal recovery. After a while of asking your sponsor questions and him replying what’s the book say—you have a tendency to look it up; that is if you are serious about recovery you will.
            I would like to encourage anyone planning to work with alcoholics, drug addicts or for that matter anyone suffering with any kind of addictions, to read and incorporate the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous to your own personal library. It does not matter if you are or are not in recovery yourself to suggest a book or give some good orderly direction (GOD) when they come to you for help. However, if you are in recovery and someone approaches you for help and ask you to be their sponsor. Before you respond you might ask yourself—Am I recovered, have I read the Book, and remember, “You can not transmit something you haven’t got; (page164). Or “The blind can’t lead the blind least they both fall into the pit.” We are not in the business of fixing anyone—besides God didn’t have any grandchildren. “Recovery begins when one alcoholic sits with another and shares his experience, strength, and hope.” Welcome the newcomers, extend your hand and tell them who you are. If they ask for help give only to the extent you can, or point them to someone who can. If they ask for a Bid Book and can’t afford it—buy one for them, if they offer to pay you back, ask them just to help someone else later on. If they relapse or go back out—it’s not about you, did you stay sober? One of the A.A. Slogans is: “But for the graces of God, there go I.” or as Og Mandino would say, “Count your blessings, and then count them again.”  Be grateful, and if they make it back welcome them again. My favorite quote from the Big Book is at the top of page 153. “Then you will know what it means to give of yourself that others may survive and rediscover life. You will learn the full meaning of “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”
            Statistically speaking: “Of alcoholics who came to A.A. and really tried 50% got sober at once and remained that way; 25% sobered up after some relapses, and among the remainder, those who stayed on with A.A. showed improvement.” (Forward to Second Edition. pg. xx.).

Eldon L.

Romans 8:38-39

King James Version (KJV)

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.